Indigenous cattle breeds are classified in to three types
based on their usage.
1.Milch breeds
2.Dual purpose breeds
3.Draught breeds
Milch breeds: cow of this type mainly used for milch purpose
and male animals are poor workers.
1.Red sindhi : The Red sindhi originated in sindh state of
pakistan and now present mostly in \Orissa,Bengal,Bihar,
Jharhand, Chatisgarh,Rajasthan & Punjab states of india.
It is usually deep red in color,the bulls are typically darker
than cows and almost black on the head, feet and tail.
Body is medium sized and compact in confirmation.
It's fore head is mildly bulged and have a hump on their
shoulder.Horns directed upward and backward and about 12 to
14" in size.Daily milk production is 8-10 kg with 5% fat and
SNF 9%with total yield of 2500-2750 kg.Average height and
weight of cow and bull is 116 cm,330 kg and 134 cm, 420 kg
respectively. Age at first calving is 32-36 month and calving
interval is 15 month.
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